Version - Displays AAO3
Example Version Output
SetSoldierClanTag - e.g. SetSoldierClanTag ADFAmerica's Army 3 Version 3.0.5 Build 02_070809
ShowSoldierClanTag - Shows the soldiers clan tag
ClearSoldierClanTag - Clears the soldiers clan tag.
EXEC filename - Execute the console commands in the file name, default is in the Binaries directory.
E.g. for steam installations it would be;
EDITACTOR CLASS=classname - During game play, edits the properties of the nearest actor belonging to that class. Cool for debugging.C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\america's army 3\Binaries
MEM - List memory usage; only works when Unreal is compiled with the memory-tracking option (it's usually not).
OPEN url - Opens a local map or an Internet server.
SHOT - Takes a screenshot and saves it in the screen shot directory with a consecutive name like Shot0001.bmp.
For Steam The Directory Is;
STAT FPS - The number is in milliseconds.So you need to take a screenshot "F10", Look at the screenshot to get the actual milliseconds e.g. 28.45 and then grab a calculator and divide 1000 by this number e.g. 1000 / 28.45 = 35.15 FPSC:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\america's army 3\AA3Game\ScreenShots
setres XXXXxXXXX - Sets the screen resolution to the desired screen resolution. You can change it to whatever you wish. Common screen resolutions are;
4:3 Aspect Ratio
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
1280 x 960
1400 x 1050
1600 x 1200
2048 x 1536
16:9 Aspect Ratios
1280 x 720
1366 x 768
16:10 Aspect Ratio
1440 x 900
1680 x 1050
1920 x 1200
2560 x 1600
Behindview 0 - 1st person camera
camera 1st - First-person view camera
camera 2nd - Not sure what this view is but its weird.
camera 3rd - Third person camera positioned behind the player
camera freecam - Third person free camera. It allows you to rotate the camera around the player and move rather than being locked behind the player
fov <value> - Changes the field of view based on the value given. FOV defaults to 90. Range is 1 - 170
givem4a1 - Gives the player the M4A1. Click the mouse to shoot
givem67 - Gives the player the M67 frag grenade. Click the mouse to shoot
giveobranknp - Gives the player the ObranKNP. Click the mouse to shoot
give weaponmod <modname> <modlocation> - Places the specified weapon mod in the specified location. Valid weapon mods are aimpoint, ironsights, and acog. The valid attach points are main, right, left, top and bottom
tastetherainbow - Toggles on / off the rainbow lines that trace the shots fired from the m4a1
toggleaimhelper - Toggles on / off the on-screen aim helper
reconnect - Reload the current level / reconnect to the server
open <mapname> - Opens a map.
SetMedic - Options are Medic and CLS - Tells server to grant the player with Medic or CLS Qualification.E.g.
Open impact_day_cloudy
Slingweapon - Slings the player's currently held weapon.
ToggleSai - Toggles the BFT on/off
ResetSoundState - Sets all sound systems to normal defaults (no effects)
IsolateDryAudio - Turns off all special effects.
DisableLowpassFilter - Turns off lowpass (occlusion) filtering
IsolateReverb - Plays only the reverb channel
SetAirAbsorbtion 1.0 - Sets the air absorbtion factor (distance HF filtering). 0.0 is none, 1.0 is real-world, anything else is your imagination.
ToggleReverbEditor - Brings up the reverb effect editor. Note that your reverb effects will be locked to the editor's settings until you call
SetReverbLock true/false - Locks the reverb effects from being set by the engine based on player position. Bringing up the reverb editor automatically sets this to true. After you are done editing, be sure to call SetReverbLock false
ToggleReverbVolumes - Turns on / off reverb volume wireframes in-game
Infiniteammo - Gives player infinite ammunition
Makepawn - Creates an NPC pawn.
SloMo <value> - Slows the game down by a percentage, 1 being normal game speed. Example: "SloMo .5" = %50 of normal game speed
EXIT - Exit the program.
quit - Quits the game
And a pic