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Updates Take Lots Of Downloads AA3 & ARMA II

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:30 am
by ADF-CaptCC
Lots Of DownLoads ....Over 10 G to Back Up Files..

Update News - America's Army 3

Latest Update: September 10, 2009
[+]September 10, 2009 - America's Army 3 Update Released

Updates to America's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:


Corrected error that sometimes resulted in hangs when starting training missions

Fixes single player sprint/dive failing to bring back weapon after grenade toss

Adds a "valid hit" audio prompt to AIT Advanced Rifleman to make it easier to understand when the player is doing it correctly

Adjusts the "valid hit" text prompt in AIT Advanced Rifleman so it disappears sooner so the reappearance of it on a second hit is more obvious

Addressed issue where firing rounds in AIT SDM early would prevent the player from completing AIT SDM

Fixes incorrect colors on correct/incorrect text on the CLS AAR

Fix for close menu and double menus in training levels

CLS AAR now shows the CLS achievement if earned

SDM AAR now correctly displays the hit location on the targets


TS3 voice rules now work correctly after map rotation

Corrected issue where mission success wasn't reporting properly if you weren't alive at the end of the round

Restored incapacitated ROE handling so shooting incapacitated players again will give you ROE violations

Grenadier role fixed so the M83 smoke grenades will appear in the role selection screen

Medic treatments will work when victim is within a vault mantle volume without triggering the vault mantle action

Client will now cleanup old stat cache files on start up

Removes "player didn't play in round" server logging message

All grenades will now properly display for all class types appropriately

Fixes weapon vanishing when player crouch/slides after a grenade is thrown

Fix for going prone weapon vanishing after grenade toss

Setting "Brightness" now saves properly

Added numerous Server Browser enhancements for performance

Activates primary weapon after sprinting if player no longer has a weapon

Weapon is now unzoomed/lowered when changing weapons

Fixes touching M714 smoke round so it no longer gives impact damage if it has no velocity

Interrupted reloads now return to the previous weapon fire mode

Fixes issues related to loadout at spawn

Fixes leaning players not being able to be hit in the head

Fix for grenades incorrectly triggering overpressure effects

Rounds are now locked to 6 rounds plus an optional OT round. Final round countdown is also locked to 10 seconds to avoid too short a time preventing correct round setup actions from occurring

Fixes issue in some AARs that were displaying the incorrect rank

Corrected first deployment cinematic

Fixes for enemy neutralized per round counter(and other round counters) not resetting every round

Kill/Death Ratio UI display now rounded to the nearest tenth

Fix for quick weapon swap inconsistency

Soldiers incapacitated with raised sights now lower their sights prior to going incapacitated which should fix the issue of the "large gun" view after being incapacitated

Preplanner objective buttons should no longer be off the edge and not be able to be clicked

Melee and M320 incapacitations should now count correctly

Radial menus should no longer interrupt firing until they fade in

Fix for VIP being incapacitated with no live teammates not awarding objective points as well as mission ending

Fix for melee working through walls if enemy soldier up against opposite side of wall

Modified appearance of CTT background

Fix for players being pushed to wrong walk speed state after transitioning between raised sights up and sprinting. Now restores previous state correctly

You can now use the middle mouse button for reloads and mouse button input is cleared when the radial menu appears

Fix for VIP who is incapacitated and then later secured or confirmed not triggering the VIP victory

Fixes door sounds to work in multiplayer

Fix for end of round AAR not always showing the correct winning action player

Fix for TAH briefing not having correct text

Fix for FOV not right after being capacitated if player was holding breath when they were incapacitated

Fixes a bug that was causing a aimpoint-scoped m249 to display the soldier's arm intersecting with the ammo case/softbag

Fixes a bug which was allowing players to shoot while vaulting/mantling *Corrects loadout handling so that separate fireteams now correctly use the proper index into the team class role list to get the loadout

Fixes a bug that would allow a soldier to vault/mantle while reloading a weapon (or reload a weapon while vault/mantling)

Stats & UI

Rank display corrected

Fixes advanced rifleman related achievements so SL's and FTL's are considered advanced rifleman and can earn the achievements

Fixes maximum length of player or soldier name issues

Adjusted the soldier overview statistics

Fixes exploit relating to disabling fog by disabling FloatingPointRenderTargets in the INI

Stick to the plan achievement fixed

Soldier achievements should never overflow the maximum actions required to earn an achievement in the Achievements UI

Several achievement rules corrected

Corrects Advancement Points not being awarded properly for completing training missions

Adds messaging when achievements are earned on server without enough players

V for Victory scoring rules corrected

Account linking should now work

Account settings page now has very brief instructions on using the unit information" (clan) tag field

Account settings should no longer show old information if player logs out and then creates a new account or logs in with a different account

Login button should once again be highlighted

Video Settings resolution selection should work better now (drop-down controls were replaced with better controls)

Map vote functionality restored

Vote kick UI now has room for all player names

Fixes for when vote kick target leaves server - - the vote kick option now fades out

Settings UI: Modified the way the Accept and Cancel buttons highlight and change state to avoid player confusion

Settings UI: Resolution adjustment for 4:3 ratios now work properly

Fixed several menu issues that could result in locking movement or not locking movement)

Vanishing angled brackets (greater than/less than symbols) no longer hide the players name

Support for joining a server from the aa3game.exe command line (use format "+connect " and optional "+password ").

UI corrections to several Army information pages

Fixes several Mission Completed scoring rules which will now allow the various distinguished role achievements to function properly

Fix for group handling logic so players in multiple groups have their groups prioritized

Added message sent to all players if 3 or fewer players are on teams so they know scoring won't count

Fix for account settings profile update data saving/updating so that you can navigate away from and back to the menu and see your changes without having to login again


VIP standard loadout on Impact now has the correct number of magazines

TAH volume on Impact can no longer be taken from below the building

Impact now has a moving Firescout

Fixed Impact level exploit where players could prone/crouch their way out of world

Fixed Impact level bug where grenades could be thrown through wooden fence on SW Street *Fixed several rock collision and a collision problem on the stairs of the house in Ranch level * Collision problem with not being able to shoot through fence in Ranch barn

Admin & Misc

In game IRC now sends the game version in the link

Several support and community page links corrected

New Authentication SDK with several fixes

New MBS SDK with several fixes and performance improvements

Fix for the PB kick when the player has PB intentionally disabled corrupting the player count on the server

Updated the OpenAL DLL's included with the game to the latest from Creative

Fix for Alt-Tab crash when using Vista (or DX9 in general)

Fix for performing radial menu action leaving left mouse button in pressed state

Admin communications console commands should now work correctly

Server admins can no longer pick a team and no longer appear in the team select list

Administrators no longer need to enter the GamePassword on locked servers if they use the correct AdminPW

AdminRemovePlayerAdmin response message corrected

[+]July 13, 2009 - America's Army 3 Update Released

Updates to America's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

America's Army 3

More messaging when unable to connect to server for particular circumstances like full servers, etc

More enhancements to PunkBuster implementation

Adds in switching viewpoints during pb validation and adds in messaging to let player know something is happening

Streamlined the server connect

Adjusted the ftmp cleanup logic so it works properly on the server

New Auth SDK that fixes MBS query issues, several crashes, and memory leaks

Better feedback to players kicked from training due to not being qualified

Fixes to player count in Internet Browser

Fix for hud decrementing frag grenade round display when 320 ammo types are switched

Frag grenade loadout fixes

Cleanup of client stat file on startup so bad stats won't hang players joining training

Removes "player didn't play in round" debugging message from logs

Fixes accessed nones caused by mission lost statistics when player isn't alive at end of round

Adjustments to clan tag support to allow use of a prefix (+ is add it as a suffix, - add as prefix, and anything else uses the "of xxx" format from 3.0.4)

Prevent going prone while tossing a grenade

Report full server to user message and bad/wrong password to user in message box after being kicked from server

Adds in ability to left click on a server in MBS and have its information updated if it hasn't been updated recently (in last 10 minutes)

Adds new message box if the connection times-out so user knows what happens if they step away and the client fails to connect to the server

Added pbsetup and a simple batch wrapper to call necessary commands to setup a system for using PB (Binaries\pbsetup_help.bat)

Added PunkBuster setup steps to installation

[+]July 3, 2009 - America's Army 3 Update Released

Updates to America's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

America's Army 3

Improved console help

Added Clan support. Add clan tag in Account Settings. You must change information while in single player mode for now.

Admin VOIP Improvements

New "version" console command to see the current version

Server browser performance improvements

Fixes joining password protected servers so it no longer selects the server underneath the mouse cursor when clicking on the "Join" button in the password entry dialog.

Fix for settings menu improperly closing when ESC pressed and leaving the player stuck with no UI and limited control

Mission generation optimizations

Fixed issue with logging into game servers that sometimes used another player's soldier profile.

New TS3 SDK integrated

Improves how server manages authentication objects

Fixes issue with players being added to the scoring system not having all of their scoring data written.

Fixes issue where players not logged into MBS were being logged out if they left the server prior to authenticating

M320 grenade attaching issue resolved.

Dedicated server title bar now shows mission and player details

Fixes the "Waiting for other players" UI so it now appears again.

Removes some server logging

Increased communications handling to support when all players use heavy load outs. This may correct many instances where players didn't spawn correctly or get the correct load out.

Fixes the M320 getting an extra round of ammo

Fixes the Account Settings password changing not working properly

Fixes the IRC link not working

Fixes the displayed mission type (assault/defense/etc.) shown in the battle planner so it displays properly after side-swapping

[+]June 24, 2009 - America's Army 3 Update Released

Updates to America's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

America's Army 3

Removes Password from AA3Launch.log

Fix for MBS not working after server changes to a new map

Fixes TeamReady in Mission Preplanning

Updated authentication SDK to improve reliability and performance

Fix for freezing on training mission load

Improved performance on loading maps/training missions

Fixed several small memory leaks

Fixed performance issue with server that caused it to load UI elements into the server (where they aren't needed) and thus use up additional CPU and memory.

Modified training authentication so it is more efficient

Modified AMD negative delta time exception handling so it no longer stops the server or client, but just logs the event

Fixed Admin add Player Admin

Fixed Admin kicking of players. Now works properly with Soldier name and has optional kick by player ID

Add new AdminListPlayers to get list of players and their player ID's

Removes most of the server log spam, especially that tied to missions and mission setup and ROE

Fixes several issues related to ROE firing off when player is bleeding, asphyxiating, or falling after being wounded by ROE

You can now strafe on ladders so you don't get stuck in Pipeline or Obstacle Course. Strafe too far and you fall off, just like AA 2.x

Modified program startup to clear out any old ATS temporary files

Improved scoring messaging support for training missions

Fixes several scoring issues

Optimizes more of the authentication code and adds better exception handling in it

Adjusts STS (stats) integration to better detect invalid objects to avoid crashes

Fixes issues with single player stats not correctly initializing all of the time

Adds feedback to UI when player purchases training until purchase is complete (says "Purchasing")

Modifies MBS to track how many players are playing vs. how many players are on the server (player + Spectators) and now MBS browser only shows the number of players (so the count won't exceed max players)

Turns HUD off whenever menu is activated (still an issue with battle planner activation the first time, however)

Adjusts the close menu logic to always close properly so double menus should no longer happen

[+]June 19, 2009 - America's Army 3 Update Released

Updates to America's Army 3 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

America's Army 3

Removed apparent lag caused by other players entering or leaving a server

Improved start of round spawn issues

Resolved problem with training results not saving

Improved communication with Authentication server

Eliminated freezing up when moving from one training mission to another

Cleared up hesitation during training missions

Significantly reduce number of authentication transactions between player and Authentication server

Solved achievements save and display problems

Improved Login communication with Authentication server

Improved player statistics tracking for better accuracy

Improved overall performance

[+]June 17, 2009 - America's Army 3 - Free Game Now Available on Steam

These Are Not Even ARMA II Game Updates, Its Done Them All I dont need these... How to block the unwanted updates.. left 4 dead, etc.,,..

Update History For ARMA II

Update News - Steam
Latest Update: October 23, 2009
[+]October 23, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fixed voice chat in Left 4 Dead lobbies

Improved overlay screen size detection for D3D9 games with multiple swap chains with different size back buffers

Fixed rare bug with retail installer which could significantly lengthen install time

Fixed a crash on activation of a Left 4 Dead 2 4-pack gift

Update Windows 7 video driver version detection

Fix urls in chat windows sometimes not being clickable

Fixed a case where incorrect achievement or avatar images are displayed

[+]October 12, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fixed a crash in the chat introduction dialog

Add SSE 3 and SSE 4 detection support to the hardware survey

Overlay work to support upcoming games

Steamworks API fixes

[+]September 29, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fixed "Incomplete Installation" error for Bionic Commando and Terminator Salvation

Updated Steam ticket expiration logic

Fixed changing game language or validating game files not working for some games until restarting Steam

Improved support for displaying third-party DLC CD keys

Fixed mouse wheel scrolling in the store when intellipoint is installed

[+]September 4, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fixed issue with scroll bars on HTML pages not showing after javascript DOM modification changed page height

Fixed issue where Steam can not be closed after playing Section 8

Fixed Champions Online keys not always being available when Steam first starts

[+]August 28, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fixed regression in yesterday's Steam client update that caused some users to have problems with retail installs

[+]August 27, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Added contact email account verification by request and on new account creation

Improved account security with verified contact email to prevent phishing

Added mod support for Killing Floor

Fixed memory leak

Added 'officers-only chat' mode to group chats

[+]August 11, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Made connections to misbehaving content servers timeout and retry a new server correctly

Fixed the client sometimes forgetting a game exists after a content update on Steam

Fixed several rare crashes and memory corruption bugs

Workaround for a Firefox 3.5 bug where they activate random windows after minimizing which would confuse the state of some Steam windows

Fixed internet tab in the in-Steam ServerBrowser not updating sorting as more servers are refreshed

Fixed the first time launch "Installing ..." dialog which is shown while installing things like DirectX for a game taking too much CPU and making the install take a long time

Fixed the sorting of the games list to be case insensitive and fix the mini-games list to use the same sorting method as the full games list

Fixed Change User menu option not logging you out correctly

Fixed one case of downloads getting stuck

Fixed a potential crash in D3D8 games switching between windowed and full screen caused by the in-game overlay

Fixed unnecessary minidump when in offline mode

Fixed overlay bug where opening the overlay from an in-game menu (ie, Invite Friends in a L4D lobby) could result in the overlay opening and closing immediately if you had previously used the "Close" button in the overlay itself

[+]July 1, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Add D3D9Ex support for the in-game overlay (for ArmA 2)

Fix unneeded assert/mdmp creation when Steam connection falls back to TCP

Fix lobbies/chats trying to update metadata while disconnected from Steam servers

View available downloadable content link on game's DLC tab now goes to game's DLC page in store

Fix a potential memory leak with lots of friends notifications being triggered while a full screen window has covered the desktop

Add a limit of queued friends notifications to show of no more than sixteen

Fix a potential case of dropping input events in the in-game overlay

Improved overlay compatibility with OSD from recent versions of RivaTuner

Fixed Cloud sync issues when in offline mode

Fixed filtering by a mod in the server browser making it unable to retrieve servers from the master server

[+]June 22, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Improved Steam startup performance

Fixed a crash when clicking on very long URLs in friends chat

Fixed the in-game overlay not showing over some D3D9 games that set a texture as the render target

Fixed a case where the overlay could go temporarily unresponsive due to using a skin that generated bad geometry

Fixed some cases of trying to send data to Steam servers while disconnected

Fixed chats in the overlay which have existing text from out-of-game not scrolling to the bottom by default

Fixed log files from in-game overlay corrupting some output

Fixed app cache download issue for users with slower connections

[+]June 15, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fixed issue where apps would not appear in the Games list

[+]June 10, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Changed the Steam service to warn users when it's disabled

Added Steam HD usage to the hardware survey

Changed system information dialog & hardware survey wizard page to show before system info gathering starts

Fixed system info summary showing the last of the text, instead of starting at the top

Tools tab can now be opened with steam://open/tools

Clicking on the download complete notification for a movie now opens the media tab, and a tool opens the tools tab

Fixed server browser crash when trying to add a favorite

Fixed the in-game overlay not capturing/blocking input in some games using buffered Win32 raw input

Improved the reliability of reconnection attempts after a dropped connection to the friends/VAC servers

Fixed locking and unlocking of group chats

Fixed incorrect reporting of rate in bandwidth graph dialog

Fixed potential crash on game launch

Fix potential issues during screen resolution change

Improved URL detection in friends chats to

Fix memory leak in some Steamworks apps

Fixed a bug where if you had received multiple gifts or guest passes you may only see a pop-up notice about one of them on starting the client

Fixed the "Failed to open key" error when trying to update Steam

[+]May 18, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fixed reconnect issues with chat rooms

Fixed clients in chat rooms getting into 'ghost chats' if they disconnect and reconnect from the Steam servers

Fixed client hang if the server browser window was closed while the "Add server" window was open

Fixed the name of mods being played not always showing to friends

Fixed switching between fullscreen and windowed mode in a DX7 game with the overlay enabled

Fixed texture corruption in OpenGL games with the overlay enabled

Steamworks: added more logging & warning info for the networking API

[+]April 17, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

New delivery system for Steam IM/Marketing messages

Added support for DLC CD keys and custom install steps

Added new features to installscript

[+]March 16, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Several Steamworks updates

Fixed a case where certain files would not be deleted

[+]March 10, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fixed crash when trying to join a game from the in-game overlay

Fixed the in-game overlay to clear cursor clipping when activated (fixes input in Maw)

[+]March 7, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fixed "endless update" bug when trying to download Empire: Total War

Fixed possible case of "Game is unavailable" bug when trying to launch Empire: Total War

[+]March 6, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fixed possible case where Steam would get stuck with "Downloading starting..." when trying to download

Added NTFS check when trying to install Empire: Total War

Added new dialog to inform the user they failed to register a CD key because they do not own a game which is required to register the key (Empire: Total War Special Forces)

Added more download regions for Australia

Fixed several update news links for games going to the wrong page

Added more information to the game launch display when first-time install steps are being ran

Fixed HL2.exe hanging on shutdown

Increased max width of links on game properties dialog (general tab) to match the now wider properties panel.

Fixed the 'launching game' dialog always waiting for user input if there was update news available

Updated localization files for dialog variable changes (fixes %s1 appearing in some languages)

New notification shown when an application is downloaded or updated

Added,, etc. to list of approved chat urls

Fixed case where retail install would be unnecessarily slow

Fixed third-party installers not running if an installer before it failed

Several Steamworks updates

[+]February 3, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Added ability to specify content download region (in Settings->downloads)

Fixed a condition that would prevent Steam from automatically applying game updates until game launch

Fixed a bug preventing in-game status for 3rd party games

Fixed running a non-Steam shortcut not changing user status to in-game

Updated processor detection for "System Information" window and hardware survey

Detect Windows 7 correctly in the hardware survey/system info dialog

Fixed a bug affecting Dawn of War II beta participants in certain languages

Fixed a bug in the game overlay affecting some Dawn of War II beta participants who have the game overlay disabled

Fixed a rare case where Steam could prevent games from launching

Fix crash when right-clicking a text edit control with an input locale that is new with Vista

Updated German localization

Fixed some potential string truncation in non-English locales

Repaired layout of controls in Event announcement popup window

Additional network API warnings for Steamworks partners

[+]January 15, 2009 - Steam client update released

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

Fix Steam failing to load on Windows 2000 and Windows XP with no service packs installed

[+]January 14, 2009 - Steam client update released

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:39 am
by ADF-CaptCC
ARMA II For This Week End Is 50% off the price...Through Stream......

If you interested


Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:00 am
by ADF-MadOz
yeah i was going to get the game, but there's no why in hell it will run on me system, so will have to give this 1 a miss, and AA3 sucks so i wont ever be playing it.....

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:50 pm
by ADF-CaptCC
Gee... Dont Tell Tycoon..... I dont Want To Hear A Grown Boy Cry.... [smilie=laugh[2].gif] [smilie=laugh[2].gif]

[smilie=46.gif] [smilie=85.gif]